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The Orange Fibreglass Mesh is an integral component of both render and EWI Systems. The strong and flexible Fibreglass Mesh is embedded with the cement-based basecoat layer (either EWI-220 EPS Basecoat or EWI-225 Premium Basecoat) – this ensures the final render / solid wall insulation system is both strong (to withstand impact) but also flexible so it will be able to withstand natural building movements that occur during the different seasons. The Orange Fibreglass Mesh can also be used in areas that need additional strengthening – for example, stress patches can be cut from the roll (300mm x 200mm) that are put 45 degrees to each corner of an opening. In traditional sand and cement areas, these areas are particularly likely to crack. The addition of a stress patch in these areas ensures the system will remain crack-free long into the future. When using the Orange Fibreglass Mesh, ensure that each strip overlaps the last when embedding it within the basecoat adhesive or premium adhesive. There is a black marker printed on the mesh that indicates the overlap required. You can also ‘double-mesh’ if an area requires particular strengthening above and beyond our normal EWI / render systems. In order to do this, initially embed the mesh in vertical strips down the wall. Then embed the second layer of mesh at 90 degrees to this. In order to embed both layers of EWI Orange Fibreglass Mesh within the adhesive you may need to make the basecoat layer slightly thicker – e.g. 8mm instead of the recommended 6mm. Obviously, the primary purpose of the Orange Fibreglass Mesh is to be used within the basecoat layer of either render systems or EWI systems, but it can be used to bridge cracks externally/internally or for giving extra strength to floor screeds as well as plastered ceilings. Fibreglass Mesh is coated with acrylic acid co-polymer liquid, making it water, alkali and age resistant.
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