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Bulk bag of sharp washed sand is typically used in block laying driveways and patio slabs.This is also used in floor screeds due to its coarse texture.Bulk bag of sharp washed sand is typically used in block laying driveways and patio slabs.This is also used in floor screeds due to its coarse texture.Bulk bag of sharp washed sand is typically used in block laying driveways and patio slabs.This is also used in floor screeds due to its coarse texture.Bulk bag of sharp washed sand is typically used in block laying driveways and patio slabs.This is also used in floor screeds due to its coarse texture.Bulk bag of sharp washed sand is typically used in block laying driveways and patio slabs.This is also used in floor screeds due to its coarse texture.Bulk bag of sharp washed sand is typically used in block laying driveways and patio slabs.This is also used in floor screeds due to its coarse texture.
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Bulk bag of sharp washed sand is typically used in block laying driveways and patio slabs.This is also used in floor screeds due to its coarse texture.




  • £45.00

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