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The OX Plastering Hawk is made using heavy duty material which ensures enhanced longevity & durability of the tool and is sturdy yet very light in weight at the same time. Thus it can be used for a longer period without any hassle.  The OX Masonry Hawk has a large surface area, enough for holding a generous amount of cement/mortar for plastering.  The OX builders hawk comes with a non-absorbent surface, preventing the plaster to stick on the tool, making the task of plastering extremely smooth and efficient. This also makes the hawk easy to maintain and clean.
Product thumbnail.

The OX Plastering Hawk is made using heavy duty material which ensures enhanced longevity & durability of the tool and is sturdy yet very light in weight at the same time. Thus it can be used for a longer period without any hassle. The OX Masonry Hawk has a large surface area, enough for holding a generous amount of cement/mortar for plastering. The OX builders hawk comes with a non-absorbent surface, preventing the plaster to stick on the tool, making the task of plastering extremely smooth and efficient. This also makes the hawk easy to maintain and clean.




  • £8.03

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  • Lightweight sturdy construction
  • Non-absorbent pattern face
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