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Everbuild 507 Rendagrip is an extra grip render bonding agent that contains a fine aggregate to provide an improved key before applying render on external surfaces such as concrete, lightweight blockwork, brick etc. The fine aggregates are suspended in a unique waterproof polymer to ensure easy application by roller or brush and an even spread of aggregate avoiding any weak spots in the key coat and preventing the aggregate particles coming loose during application.Everbuild 507 Rendagrip is an extra grip render bonding agent that contains a fine aggregate to provide an improved key before applying render on external surfaces such as concrete, lightweight blockwork, brick etc. The fine aggregates are suspended in a unique waterproof polymer to ensure easy application by roller or brush and an even spread of aggregate avoiding any weak spots in the key coat and preventing the aggregate particles coming loose during application.Everbuild 507 Rendagrip is an extra grip render bonding agent that contains a fine aggregate to provide an improved key before applying render on external surfaces such as concrete, lightweight blockwork, brick etc. The fine aggregates are suspended in a unique waterproof polymer to ensure easy application by roller or brush and an even spread of aggregate avoiding any weak spots in the key coat and preventing the aggregate particles coming loose during application.Everbuild 507 Rendagrip is an extra grip render bonding agent that contains a fine aggregate to provide an improved key before applying render on external surfaces such as concrete, lightweight blockwork, brick etc. The fine aggregates are suspended in a unique waterproof polymer to ensure easy application by roller or brush and an even spread of aggregate avoiding any weak spots in the key coat and preventing the aggregate particles coming loose during application.
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Everbuild 507 Rendagrip is an extra grip render bonding agent that contains a fine aggregate to provide an improved key before applying render on external surfaces such as concrete, lightweight blockwork, brick etc. The fine aggregates are suspended in a unique waterproof polymer to ensure easy application by roller or brush and an even spread of aggregate avoiding any weak spots in the key coat and preventing the aggregate particles coming loose during application.




  • £30.00


  • One coat application – render when dry
  • Contains a fine aggregate to improve render key
  • Reduces suction on porous substrates
  • Red colour to indicate coverage
  • Reduces suction on porous substrates
  • Improves adhesion on smooth substrates
  • Can be applied to damp surfaces
  • Waterproof
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